
"My journey began as a quest to seek out life's simpler things. A soul-searching movement to become elevated naturally by what has been gifted to us. To feel gratitude for such things and be inspired by something only Mother Nature can bring. To do so through an artistic lens and experience life through a more genuine, slower approach.."


My name is Natalie and I am a lover of nature and nice people.. and I love to paint.

I was born and raised in beautiful southern Illinois running back country roads, riding the creeks, and chasing sunsets. When I'm not in the studio, you will find me in the kitchen or outdoors. I have a best friend of a husband and a beautiful two-year-old daughter; they truly are my life. Fly fishing, four-wheeler riding, trying new restaurants, and gardening are some of my other hobbies I make time for when I'm not painting.

I graduated with my Master's in Business Administration in December of 2019, without a single art class on my high school or college transcripts. I have been surrounded by entrepreneurship my entire life and always knew from a young age that I wanted control over the life I lived (are we ever really in control, though?). The 9-5 office lifestyle left me feeling drained, unmotivated, and like I was helping someone else live out their dream while mine was on the back burner. Each week seemed like the last and I felt like I was only living for Saturday and Sunday.  I started working alongside my dad helping manage a family construction company in 2020, which I still do to this day. The change of scenery was refreshing, all while taking pride in the business that kept food on my table growing up.

Despite the love for my job and the spent time learning to be a first time mother, I always knew deep down that I had creativity sitting idle; and that was unsettling to me. I just couldn't quite figure out what it was I was being called to do..in addition to what I was already doing. 

In November of 2020, the idea kept crossing my mind to pick up painting as a hobby. I figured, "What would it hurt to try?" Something about applying paint to a canvas (or any surface, really) intrigued me. All the colors, the brushes, unwrapping the canvases..it seemed like a great way to express myself. I had never taken an art class in high school or college, but I felt a small ember burning inside of me to unleash my creativity in ways only I could judge.

"It was truly a calling from a higher power to try something new, no matter the results, and thankfully I listened."

After using a 20% off coupon at the craft store, I had the most basic art supplies one could imagine. At this time, I didn't imagine it being more than painting some flowers on a collection of terra-cotta pots I had. Nonetheless, I came straight home and unwrapped the plastic off of a canvas panel and laid out all the paints. In less than 30 minutes, I had created an orangey-red sunset landscape painting with a tree line and various grasses. I was shocked, and pleased with my purchase. After that day, I knew I had found my creative outlet that I had been longing for, and maybe a hidden talent as some may say.

"Having a lifelong passion for nature made my painting subjects easy to find."

Since I started painting, I have viewed nature through artistic eyes. The trees look different now, so does the sky. Driving down the road I think to myself what colors I would mix to create what I'm seeing in the distance, doing my best to stay on track. I pay attention to all the atmosphere surrounding me; the vibrancy of the natural Earth, and I get excited. Knowing that I can express that moment in the studio with paints and brushes gives me all the satisfaction I want for the day.

"It's truly an outlet and a blessing that others cherish some of my creations as much as I do."

I have learned to give myself more credit than I used to. In the past, if you would have told me I'd be an "artist," I would have not believed it. I thought you had to go to art school or have a lengthy artistic background to be an artist. But what I learned is anyone can become an artist, or anything they want to be for that matter. Do not let this world conform you to set standards that seem to define success; education, salary, possessions.. Instead, be true to yourself, step outside of your comfort zone, ask yourself, "What is missing?", and by doing so, you may just find your new calling.

If you made it this far, I appreciate you! 


Forever Grateful,

Natalie Runkle
